Our E-mail list

Individuals interest in sharing or exploring family history of any of the following surnames (Roblee, Robblee, Rublee, Rublier, Robley, Robleyer, Roblyer) may join an electronic mailing list hosted at groups.io.

If you have trouble subscribing, send a message to doug.detling@gmail.com (list administrator) and he will help you.

9 Responses to Our E-mail list

  1. Julie Robblee says:

    I just noticed that on your document of “Descendants of the Loyalists Thomas and John Robblee” on page 40, The children you have listed for Andy Robblee & Margaret McAuley are the same children listed for John Henry Robblee & Margaret McAulay on the “Descendants of John Robblee and Susanna Baker” if you visit the website http://www.islandregister.com/robblee1.html. I have done no research of my own so I have no insight as to which would be correct but just thought I’d share this question with you as to which parents would be correct.

    • Cindy Walcott says:

      Thank you. I looked at the .pdf, and find that there is a formatting problem that makes it looks like Andy is the father. Actually, I was attributing the content about Six Robblees (above on page 40) to Andy Robblee.

      ~Cindy Walcott

  2. Susan McColley says:

    I can answer the question regarding the children of Andy vs. John Henry. One of them is my paternal grandmother, Margaret Helen Robblee, who married Harry McColley. Her father was John Henry Robblee. She was born in Newton, Mass. in 1903 but moved to Tacoma, Wash. somewhere between the ages of 3-6, and lived there the rest of her life. Interestingly, she married a McColley, which was the same as her mother’s maiden name, only spelled differently (McAulay).

  3. Just interested in the family history as I am the oldest grandson of John and Bessie Robblee of Stow,Mass. Guess as I age I want to reconnect with what I have learned is a Redwood like family tree!!!

  4. Katy Reynolds says:

    I just wanted to thank everyone for everything published here. I have been looking into my mothers side for 4 years and this was one small side that I could not find. We come through Cornelia S. Rublee m. Hayward. You found information that on both sides that I had been trying to find and went through the ceiling when I saw you had a maiden name for Azra Haywards wife Mary…. I am not sure how they made it to the west coast but we are still over here.. Also, I found Maud Merrills mother to be Emma Smith but not a lot to confirm and you have it also which makes me feel good about the research I have done… I was curious about the original country of origin.. I believe I read that it may have been Germany but read that it may have been France. My family line goes from Cornelia, Norman, Hiram, William, William…. Would love to hear back from anyone…. Thank you !!!!! Katy Reynolds

    • Kay Nelson says:

      I have more information on Cornelia S. Rublee Hayward. Maud Merrill married her son, Clarence Decatur Hayward. There is more information, of a sensitive nature, so please email me.
      Kay Nelson

  5. Doug Robblee says:

    I tried to subscribe to the emailing list and got this back:

    Mail Delivery Subsystem
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    —– Transcript of session follows —–
    … while talking to rootsweb-com.mail.protection.outlook.com.:
    >>> DATA
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    From: jdr
    To: ROBLEE-L-REQUEST@rootsweb.com
    Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 20:06:49 -0300
    Subject: SUBSCRIBE

    • Douglas Detling says:

      Doug, Ancestry has discontinued its Rootsweb mailing lists. I have invited you to its replacement. Page will be revised to reflect this, once my new network is installed.

  6. Robert S. Robblee says:

    Good Morning, Doug. I see from the site that 2 others have taken DNA Tests and I ;have commented on same. I know DNA testing may open a whole realm of unknown for some, but I hope to interconnect various branches of the family.
    Bob Robblee

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